Is it a holiday or not?
So Wednesday is Groundhog Day, is it a holiday or not? I usually base my answer on this criteria, does it have movies about it? Does it have songs about it? I've never seen a movie about Arbor Day but it gets listed on calenders along with St. Valentines Day and St. Patrick's Day. Songs about Arbor Day? Not that I can recall ( I will give it Trees, a poem by Joyce Kilmer) so I think Arbor Day gets tossed aside as a non holiday. I guess all love songs are ok for Valentine's Day and there was even a movie call Valentines Day, so February 14th stays in the holiday pile. Don't even get me started on St. Patrick's Day, it makes it on all levels. St. Patrick's Day even can be called the high holy days. (notice the s, St. Patrick's Day is a week long celebration along the lines of Mardi Gras) so let's take a look at Groundhog day. Does it have a movie? Yes, Bill Murry at his best, a TV weather man who gets stuck in Punxsutawany PA. (home of "Phil" the official groundhog)and relives groundhog day over and over. Does it have a song? yes, I've never heard it but according to Songfacts, I"ll be gone by Mayday and the accompanying video Groundhog Day received over 2 million views a day after it appeared on youtube. Works for me Groundhog's Day is a holiday. So everyone have a great day and look to see your shadow. I can't wait for Hallmark to read this posting and start putting out Groundhog day cards. I wonder if I will get a royalty?