In a little while from now,
If I'm not feeling any less sour,
I promised myself, to treat myself,
And visit a nearby tower ..........
alone again.....naturally
I've lost my passion. Is it really something that you lose or does life beat it out of you? Either way, it's gone. What passion you ask, my need to write this blog? Work? Life itself? That last one is a dangerous one. Let's start with work. There are two ways you can earn a living in this world, one, have a job. The other is to have a career. They are one in the same you say, but you would be wrong. One you hate the other you love. I hate my job. The only bright side to my job were the people that I worked with and as the passion for work was beat out of me the less and less I liked the people there. After almost 25 years I am going back to the afternoon shift, it's not my choice. The powers that be in Washington sent out a directive to each plant to see if it was feasible to do all the work in two shifts instead of three. Seeing that I work in the land of the Emperor's new clothes, the plant managers all said, "YES". The Union on a national level said wait, you can't just shut out one whole shift with out consulting all the bargaining unions. National said, "It's not a nation wide plan. It's a plant by plant decision" With every plant headed by a yesman, you can see the outcome. The workers, who all see that the Emperor is naked, know that it will never work an that we will take all the blame for the outcome. Work sucks.
This blog. Not that I was passionate about writing but it was fun. This is my first update in six weeks. I've had nothing to write about. Thanksgiving eehh, Christmas, not in the spirit. Life in general, same old same old. On top of all that my computer has a virus. I have the antispyware pro 2009 virus. It's pest. It doesn't let you surf the net unimpeded. It wants you to buy it's spyware. I would be willing to pay the $50 bucks if I knew for sure it would work. In the meantime when my IT guy gets the chance he will stop by and see what he can do.
So, how have you all been?
Don't worry about me I'll get through this and win back my passion. Seeing all the kids next week will help, you see, I haven't lost my passion for them. Maybe dancing naked around the bonfire at Sunday's winter solstice pagan Christmas party will get me back in the holiday spirit, it's worth a try.