Saratoga Irish

Monday, November 05, 2007

It's November. Basketball and Hockey season are just getting under way. Football is mid way and we see that some teams are all ready out of the playoff picture. The big game this past Sunday was the match up of the undefeated. New England Pateriots 8-0 enter the RCA Dome to face the Super Bowl Champion, Indianapolis Colts, undefeated in their last 12 games and a season record of 7-0. The game was hyped more than any regular season game, and lived up to it all. Tom Brady throws two fourth quarter TD's for the 24-20 New England win. What does this game mean? Nothing. At this point the Pat's have home field advantage for the playoffs but the season is far from over. The big talk now is if they can go undefeated all season and surpass the record of the 1972 Miami Dolphins 17-0 Superbowl Champions. Ironic as it seems in a season were we are talking about a team going for the Dolphins record the 2007 Dolphins are on a streak of their own. Miami along with the St. Louis Rams are both 0-8 this season. Could at the end of the season Miami be 0-17? Is that the ultimate karma?
Speaking of teams with lousy records, Notre Dame at 1-7 lost at home to Navy, yes Navy. the last time Navy beat the Irish it was 1963 and Roger Staubach was the quarterback for the mid shipmen. The final score 46-44 in 3OT's. I bring this up because after the loss the Irish showed just what class they have by staying on the field and standing with the Navy team as the Navy band played the Middies fight song. Coach Weis had decided this long before the loss as a show of respect for the service academies. They may have to do it again as the Irish face Air Force next week. As we watch college football on TV we don't realize that these are just kids playing. It didn't strike me until I watched Sean run against Navy and West Point and thought, " wow, these kids could end up in Iraq in a couple of months". I applaud Coach Weis for his actions after the game Saturday and hope that the sight was not lost on the people watching the game.

Other news of November. The Saratoga AOH held their annual elections this past week. As usual, most of the officers retained their positions. The new officers are Brian Murphy as Vice president and yours truly as President. Yes you read that right. This slate of officers will have no middle ground, either we will lift the division to new heights or we will crash and burn. For a good look at this fine group of Hibernians check here.
I will use this blog to keep everyone up to date on the actives of the Saratoga division.
If you would like to join us for the installation of officers it will be held on December 6 at 7pm at the K of C in Saratoga