Saratoga Irish

Monday, July 16, 2007

Highlights of the Convention. Chris and I went to the New York State AOH Convention this past week. The convention was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Albany, or as I kept referring to it as the Royal Crown. We arrived on Wednesday and checked into the hotel with our division ambassador, Dick Nelson. As delegates, Chris and I signed in and got our credentials. The first order of business was a cold drink at the Albany/Schenectady Hospitably room ( to be known hereafter as the Albany room). Old acquaintances were rekindled and time passed quickly. Mass was held at historic St. Marys Church. The contingent of Hibernians were led to the church by pipers and drummers from the Schenectady Pipe Band. The mass was wonderful or so I was told. After mass the first social event of the convention, the icebreaker was held in the one of the banquet rooms. We sat at the table with two of the singers from mass and two Hibernians from Orange County. I looked across the table and asked if the one guy had been on the job and what was the first song they would play on the jukebox after a shift. He laughed out loud and said " I thought I remembered you from Long Island" Dennis Brown, the outgoing District 8 Director. We had a great time all weekend with Dennis and his brother Hibernians from Orange County. The party's lasted into the wee hours at the different hospitality rooms.

Day two started off with all day meetings and committee meetings. At 5 o'clock there were buses to Alive at 5 and to the three local AOH Halls. we opted for Alive at 5. Cherish the Ladies and Hair of the Dog were playing. Russel Bergman, Rob Przedwiecki,John Cromie, and Greg Gallagher were all in attendance. We were waiting for Ken Field to join us but he was lost in the crowd. After a few phone calls and making him stand with his arm in the air we found him. The place was packed and many from the convention were enjoying the concert. After the concert finished we boarded the bus and headed to the Watervliet AOH Hall. We opted to stay on the bus and go to Schenectady. Watervliet had a Monte Carlo theme and Schenectady took us the the South Pacific for a Luau, where we all leid upon entering. Meeting us in Schenectady were Chris Templin and Jeff Carney. We passed on a few buses and finally boarded the last bus back to the hotel. The bus had one passenger that was not from our Division which only proves, Saratoga Rules.

Back at the hotel we visited as many hospitality room as we could. Ken, being young and at his first convention, was amazed at each room that the Guinness was free. As the hours past the group became smaller and smaller till I was the last and the Albany room was closing. The night ended with me bringing in the morning paper to the room.
Up a few hours later and back to the meetings. During the meeting I had the pleasure to second the nomination of Phil Sheridan as District 8 Director. We also nominated and elected the State Board.
I want to have photos to post so This will be the end of the first part of the blog. Tomorrow I will continue with the high jinx of the Saratoga guys at the convention.


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