Saratoga Irish

Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day, now that's an oxymorn if I ever heard one. Not to get to political but we are at war and the death total increases more each day. Why don't we spend this Memorial Day thinking of ways to get our leaders to stop this war instead of worrying about the family picnic that we have planned. Don't get me wrong I love picnics and it is a good time to realize and appreciate the loved ones we have. So how many of you know someone that has given their life for their country? I was too young for Viet Nam and too old for Desert Storm. I work with vets from Nam and I knew guys that went to the middle east for both Desert Storm and now in Iraq but thankfully they all are safe. Not to offend any of the older folks out there but I am a product of the 60's. I grew up watching the war on the news every night. I remember watching the reports of the protesters and I remember a banner hanging off the front porch of a house on Western Ave in Albany saying, "Remember Kent State". I tell you this because the other day I was driving down Central Ave in Colonie and at the Wolf Rd. intersection there was a protest going on. There could only have been 25 to 30 people there and the passerbys were more concerned with getting to Colonie Center then what is going on in Iraq. We are at war, our young people are dieing for what? Democracy? They held an election, a government was formed, let them police their own country. Are our children dieing for oil? I hope not with the cost of gas at record high prices. Most of our elected officials are of the age to have been a part of Viet Nam ( of the members of the 108th congress, 86 served in active duty, 59 in reserves. 30 members are combat veterans). Why is it that I can remember but they can't. It seems to me that we are mired in the same mess we were 35 years ago. What is the old adage, if you don't learn from history you are doomed to repeat it. With that all in mind, have a great day with your families.

Division Notes: Chris Bergman and I went on a scouting mission Friday night. The Social Hour was again held at Peabody's and had a nice turnout. Some wives and family were present. Chris and I would like to hold the next Social Hour at the City Tavern on Caroline St. on the roof top bar. What a great spot with a view of the downtown that you don't get from any other place. Here is the web page we can discus this at the next meeting. The meeting will be held on Thursday June 7, 2007 at Tinny's Tavern I don't want to have the Social Hour on the next night after the meeting so let's shoot for June 15th.


At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bravo, good blog for memorial day... i agree 100% on this war b.s. no one in office realizes we are doing a Nam war all over again, instead of jungles it's sand.... and for what oil? with us being an all powerful country it's sad we spill our own children/brothers/fathers/uncles and even sisters/mothers/aunts and friends' blood and oil tycoons raking in the $$'s because of it.... you would think these damn politicians would cut us a brake with gas prices because we are losing family members to a war on oil or for oil......grrr!!! i hate this war.

oh, and i can't believe you didn't mention that not only do i in fact have a wife, that i brought her family... or did i? maybe you think they were a family for hire... ha ha ha good one... but it's all good...we'll have to bring a camera next time for proof for the others

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Semper fi

here's a quote from the blog
"The Social Hour was again held at Peabody's and had a nice turnout. Some wives and family were present"

At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Steve ... Let us remember also that THIS war is because of September 11, 2001 ~~ please do not forget the innocent people who died that horrific day. Do not belittle this to just Bush or just gasoline. This was an unprovoked attack on our homeland. THAT is why we are still in Iraq.

Thanks... Leslie (HereIAm), Baltimore, Maryland -- born, bred and proud New York City girl!

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Leslie, I'm glad you are still reading the blog. I hope that I did not give the impression that I have forgotten 9-11. I will never, as my parents never forgot where they were when they heard about Pearl Harbor. You are correct about the start of the war but I feel, and yes this is my opinion, the powers that be have lost sight of those reasons and are pushing through other agendas. We could have long heated debates on this subject so I think we should hold off until we can do so over a nice dinner ( crabcakes anyone) I would love to see the fire in your eyes as you discuss your opinions.( I am the only one that can maneuver a discussion about the war into a pickup line.) Keep reading and keep in touch

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve ~~ you are TOO funny! Hitting on me in the midst of a war debate! hahaha *BIG smile* here in Baltimore, Hon! Thanks!

Now... when are you in town next? You know how to get in touch with me!



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