Saratoga Irish

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day, is it a real holiday or just one made up by Hallmark? I don't know. what I do know is that when you reach a certain age every day should be Mother's Day. I am the third of five children. I grew up in the 60's when women's liberation came to the forefront. I didn't understand women's lib, we lived it. My mother was a working mom before that was the in thing to do. My mom and dad worked different shifts and sometimes two jobs to make ends meet. We were poor, but I didn't know that. My mother taught us many things. She taught us to be ourselves and to be independent. She taught us that we could achieve anything we wanted in this life. OK so I didn't learn everything my mom taught but that was not her fault. They say that women should see how a guy treats his mom to see if he is a good catch or not. Well I guess that's why I'm not such a good catch. I could treat my mom much better than I do, like maybe visit her on Mother's Day instead of writing a blog about her. My mother will tell you though, I stopped the St. Patrick's Day Parade for her on her birthday and the Saratoga AOH sang Happy Birthday to her. I didn't tell her how much I love her but she knows.
My mom was before her time. She won a scholarship to the College of St. Rose in 1936 but turned it down to go to work. She had the highest average in her senior class of high school but was named salutatorian because back then a woman could not be the valedictorian. She was born at the end of WWI, lived though WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm and now Iraq. She was the fastest kid in the whole neighborhood and had a son who was the slowest. She was the Albany City Champ in bowling in the early 50's, back when they had pin boys and the ball had only two holes for your fingers. She would play catch with us in the yard and gave us a love for sports that she still has. She was a fixture at her grandchild's sporting events. I can only imagine what she could have done if Title IX was in the 30's. Instead, my mother raised a family that still speaks to each other and understands the meaning of family. The web album for this blog is pictures of my family. You may not know the names, and I have left them off, but look at the smiles. I have put in photos of sports because my mom loves sports. I wish I had more photos but these were on line. So let me end this with just these words, Thank You Mom, and have a great Mother's Day.


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