Saratoga Irish

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Welcome to Irish Heritage Month. The month of March, by an act of congress is now set aside to acknowledge the achievements of the Irish in the making of America. I will try to update as often as possible during March to add to this fine idea. It it was not for the Irish in America we would not have the paddy wagon or the cops to put the criminals in it. No Irish means no George Carlin or Denis Leary. The roads would have been less traveled by Bob Hope without Bing Crosby and what would John Wayne have been with out Maureen O'Hara; Don't get me started about Tarzan with out Jane ( Maureen O'Sullivan the only real Jane to the only real Tarzan Johnny Weissmuller). In our politically correct world where Native American groups want sports team and Universities to change names from what they feel are derogatory names such as Braves, Warriors and Redskins, the Irish embrace and defend the Celtics and the greatest University in the world, The University of Notre Dame, the Fighting Irish. The only way they could have made Notre Dame derogatory would be if they were the Drunken Fighting Irish, and we would still have loved them.

The greatest moment in Irish American history was the election of John F. Kennedy to the office of President of The United States. the highest office in the land, the most powerful man in the world. I wish I had the concession on selling photos of JFK because every Irish home in America and Ireland has a photo of Jack hanging up somewhere. usually it's next to the picture of the Scared Heart, that's how much esteem the Irish have for Kennedy. You may ask why I would start off the month with the best but it is only because it is also the darkest day for the Irish. No one will ever forget November 22, 1963. Kennedy was not the first Irish American President, Andrew Jackson was, and there were many more up to and including Ronald Regan but Kennedy was the first and only Irish Catholic President. He led us from the 1950's into the '60's telling the people, " Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". He sent us to the moon, a great accomplishment and to Vietnam, not so great. He is the role modal for every President since. No one has been able to measure up. Clinton had Monica, a chubby White House intern. Jack had Marlyn, a curvaceous movie star. It will be a long time before we have another Irish Catholic President but by God it will be worth the wait.


At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still no mention of the hoops!!


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