For the Green Month it Looks Pretty White Out There
We can only hope that the old adage, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, will prove true this year. The first major snow storm of the winter hit on March 1st, (OK to be technically correct it started on February 29th which by all weighs and means is March 1st ), and yes you read that correct, the FIRST snowstorm of the winter. Not of the year, of the whole winter. Why now? we don't need snow, it's time to get ready for spring. Spring training for baseball has started in Florida and Arizona, the stores are filled with Easter candy and the usual derogatory shirts and hats are on sale for St. Patrick's Day.
So let's get this out of the way on March 1st. Last year Parade Day in Albany was marred with drunken college students that thought St. Patrick's Day is open season on drunk and disorderly conduct. It's not hard to understand how these young people came up with this idea because stores such as Spencer's Gifts and Walmarts sell shirts with sayings such as, Irish I had a beer, Everybody Loves a Drunk Girl (with shamrocks), Irish Drinking Team. This year the store Urban Outfitters has come up with a line of St. Patrick's Day apparel saying Irish Yoga (a stick figure on hands and knees vomiting shamrocks) and a plastic beer bottle with the label that reads "Leprechaun Piss". So it is up to us, the real Irish Americans to set these people straight. How will people understand what St. Patrick's Day truly means until we educate them.
Now back to the fun stuff, March is full of Irish music, locally this weekend you can see and hear:
Friday at the Albany AOH, Who's Your Paddy.
Saturday, Hair of the Dog at the River Street Pub in Troy. The Brothers Flynn will be at Power's Pub in Clifton Park. Rakish Paddy will be playing at the Polish Falcons Club in Pittsfield Mass. for a fundraiser supporting The Jimmy Fund.This only the tip of the iceberg folks. So go out enjoy and remember this is our month
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