Saratoga Irish

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Reality Sets In

So, we made it through the weekend. Now it's Jan. 3rd and everyone is back at work, Oh yeah you had a smile on your face when you went in, the radio dj's were talking about resolutions and you are trying to keep yours but reality is setting in. On Saturday night and Sunday morning facebook was full of New Years wis hes of better times in 2012, how long will that last? Or have you all ready bitched out loud in the car about the guy who just cut you off. Did you go out shopping yesterday and complain about the lines? Last week people were still holding the door for a stranger, now we are back to real life. How can we continue to feel the warm glow of the New Year after the weekend is over? I'm thinking maybe set things for each month. I found out last night that my cousin Haley may be making her first trip to the USA this summer, now there is something to look forward to. The Giants made the playoffs so that keeps me happy for one more week.  Pitchers and catchers report in February so that will be good (don't even try for  a happy Valentines day for me eight weeks would be like four women away). March is always a happy time in my family, busy, but happy so I'm good through March. April, the baseball season starts with it's hint of the summer to come. May the nice weather arrives, June, the summer kicks in, the warm days the beach, vacation is close. July is set for picnics and my birthday, August the track is in full swing. September brings the beauty of the changing leaves and the sound of football once again. October is Halloween and November brings Thanksgiving and family. December brings us back to Christmas and the happy feelings of joy and good will to our fellow man, what? No Christmas this year? The world ends before Christmas! Dam Mayans just ruined my whole year and I was all set with that new resolution to be nicer to others but noooo, you had to end the world this year. Crap well there goes my resolution, at least I made it to Jan. 3, this year, better than the "lose weight" resolutions of years past.


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