Saratoga Irish

Monday, November 28, 2011

On Your Mark, Get set, SHOP

       It's cyber Monday, and everyone should be back to work from their Thanksgiving rest. The weekend was great, Wednesday I went with John Cromie to Dalton Mass to hear Rakish Paddy, nice night, great music and met some very nice people. They are playing Friday night at the Albany hall if you would like to check them out. Friday night was my brother John's 50th birthday party. Kate did a great job and everyone had a fun night. The kids all got to see the family and Sara and Sean were my drivers for the night. Saturday night was Trivia night at the hall. Ish let me play along with them and at the end of the night they had zero points, don't blame me, we blew it all on the last question, (What decade did Bud Abbott die?). Two questions really bothered me that we couldn't get. Of the first ten Presidents of the US, how many are not named John or James? A team of eight good Americans could not name the first 10 Presidents, how embarrassing. On the same category, name the 14, 15 and 16th Presidents. We got two out of three.
The whole night was full of fun and laughter, the next Trivia night is in Feb. keep an eye out for it.
      So here we are heading into December and the Christmas shopping melee. Thursday night is the Victorian Street Walk in Saratoga, a great way to shop in downtown Saratoga. So buck up and remember it's not the gift but the thought that counts, unless you are buying for me then it's the amount you spend that matters.


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