Saratoga Irish

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Election day is over, time to clean up all the mud.

The Republican wave, as they were calling it, crashed over the country like a tsunami. The Republicans found that the Teabaggers vote, what hurt the GOP in primaries was used to win House control over the Democrats.

The Senate on the other hand, stayed in Democratic control. Tea Party candidates running on the GOP line were not the best the party had to offer. In Delaware, TP/GOP candidate Christine O'Donnell was seen as a joke when ever she opened her mouth. Mountains of videos from her past appeared and the world got to see a side of the candidate that I'm sure she would have liked to have left in the closet, but the past is the past and we were all young and naive. So let's look at her on the campaign trail, during a debate with her opponent, in front of an audience of law professors and law students, she asked, "where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?". Her opponent, the now Senator elect from Delaware, Chris Coons, explained the First Amendment to her, she replied, "You're telling me that's in the First Amendment?". What amazes me the most is not that she is unaware of the Constitution and is a candidate from a party that one of it's fiercest principals is adherence to the Constitution but that this exchange was over the teaching of creationism in public schools. Creationism is a whole other blog.

So the Senate stays Democratic, let's look at the House. Fox news was all giddy last night as they reported the slaughter. Nancy Pelosi is out as Speaker and John Boehner will soon be in. The results pouring in last night, all the networks showing maps of the Country with blue representing Democrats and red the color of Republicans. Who ever came up with this has a dark sense of humor. The GOP, the people that shout family values, that crave the days when mom stayed home and vacuumed in a dress wearing pearls ( think June Cleaver), the people that think Mad Men is a documentary. The people that want it to be the '50's again have forgotten the biggest scare of the times. Better dead than red. The color used to represent the Communist of the world is now the color of the Grand Old Party. Ironic isn't it?

So now, with control of the House of Representatives in the hands of the commies, sorry GOP, color threw me there. With the House in the hands of the GOP, will they work with the President for the good of the Country or will they try to impeach the President like they did to Clinton? If that's the case and the Federal Government is going to grind to a halt for the next two years. I would rather have Christine O'Donnell in there talking about cavemen eating Brontosaurus burgers.


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