Saratoga Irish

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

People say I'm the life of the party
'Cause I tell a joke or two.
Although I might be laughin
Loud and hardy
Deep inside I'm blue

So take a good look at my face
You see my
Smile looks out of place
If you look closer it's easy to trace
The tracks of my tears

Wow, eleven months since my last posting. It's almost like confession, Bless me father it's been eleven months since my last blog. So to my avid readers ( yes, both of you) I humbly apologise. You would think that after almost a year I would have some pretty great stories to tell. Well, you would be wrong.
I am suffering from a major depressive disorder, that's the precise diagnostic label, most people just call it......... (you should have heard, dum dum dum)...depression. For those of you who have never known someone with depression, the first thought you have is, snap out of it. So much easier said then done. First of all most of you who do not know someone with depression actually do. It is very hard to tell people that you have depression because of pride, shame, lack of knowledge of depression and many other reasons. You try to tell yourself to snap out of it, don't be a baby, man up, life sucks for everybody. All this does is make it worse. Under the right medication and therapeutic lifestyle change, depression can be controlled.
Let's take a look at TLC. In my vast reading of subjects (small print on the sides of boxes) regarding most of the things we like to do. The same few items always seem to appear. For example, have you seen the commercial for green tea extra, it melts belly fat!!! the ad shows peoples midsections with big bellies. To rid yourself of this and have a flat washboard stomach all you need to do is drink a cup of tea. Easy, right? wrong, check the small print, with diet and exercise. Jarred, the Subway guy, is now going to run a marathon. Is this because of subway foot longs? If it is, sign me up for Boston next April, I can live on a diet of meatball subs and out run those Africans (they don't have Subway). Alas it's not. Exercise is an important part of human lifestyle that most of us take for granted.
So as I jog across the room to rest on the couch, I know that my exercise regiment has started.
Another part of TLC is social support, so much easier than exercise and diet. Writing this today is one step for me in the right direction. I will try to update this blog at least once a week and I am trying to get out with people more. Some of the people that I have told have been great support and I thank them. So without further adu, till next time, keep smiling.
For those of you who read this regularly, I always start with a song (com'on boy, you know you got it in ya. That was for my brother) I started looking for songs about depression yesterday and it just depressed me more. I also like to add photos, I haven't done much but I will see what I can do.


At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're picking you up on Friday October 15th and taking you to The Parting Glass for the show! Baby Steps my good friend :)

Chris B

At 12:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Is it looking for songs and not finding them that's depressing or are you listening to the blues. As Nathan Johnson says "they're so depressing"! GRANDMA!! Don't touch that radio!

At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been there you!!

Weather Channel by Sheryl Crow. That girl has been there.


Amy C


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