Saratoga Irish

Friday, October 22, 2010

This post is spinning out of control. My first thoughts were to write about Fridays. This is my last Friday off, my new bid starts tomorrow with my days off becoming Saturday and Sunday. My first conflict is only two weeks away. Jack's play runs Thursday through Saturday, Nov. 4-6. Now that I'm working Thursday and Friday, the only night I can see it is the 6th. Of course there is a concert I would liked to go on the 6th. Well that's the way things go. This was what I wanted to write about so I looked for a song about Friday's. Do you know how many songs there are about days of the week? Now the spinning starts.

This post is going to be about songs with days of the week in their titles. We'll start with Sunday, the first day of the week. Sunday, Sunday by Joni Mitchell, Pleasant Valley Sunday by the Monkees, Sunday was a Fine Day by Moby. Sunday, Bloody Sunday is about a certain Sunday and not just any ole day (yes, I'll argue with Bono. What's he know, he's only the singer, "This songs not a rebel song" my arse). Mondays have, the Mamas and the Papas, Monday, Monday, Manic Monday by the Bangles. Jimmy Buffet chimes in with Come Monday, not to be outdone by the Boontown Rats seen above. This is when the spinning got faster and faster.

Spending any time on youtube is fun. I find that I go from one thing to another and then another. It's like six degrees of separation. Don't let anyone tell you that youtube is not a drug. You get there and it holds you. How many times have people told you how they got caught up watching youtube for hours. This is how it went. I wanted to get the video for I Don't Like Mondays. I had a few to choose from. The live version from "Live Aid" plus cover bands and what not. Spinning, spinning.

After watching the Boontown Rats on "Live Aid" I had to watch U2, if you don't know or recall "Live Aid" it rocketed U2 to the top of the charts. "Live Aid"as a benefit concert held in London and The Medowlands simultaneously and aired live on TV. Phil Collins played at Wembley jumped aboard the concord jet and played again at Giants Stadium. Back to U2 during their set Bono climbed down off the stage during the song Bad, and with the help of security pulled a women to safety as she was being crushed by the crowd. Although the band couldn't see him, the TV camera stayed on him the entire time. The band kept playing, not knowing what else to do, until they saw him pop up on stage and finish the song and set.

So tell me, just how did I get from Friday's my day off to 1985 and "Live Aid"? What goes up must come down. Spinning wheel got to go 'round...


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