Saratoga Irish

Saturday, October 09, 2010

I hear somthin' singin'

( Hooh! aah! hooh! aah!)
( Hooh! aah! hooh! aah!)

(Well don't you know)
That's the sound of the men workin' on the chain ga-a-ang
That's the sound of the men workin' on the chain gang

All day long they're singin'

(Hooh! aah! hooh! aah!)
(Hooh! aah! hooh! aah!)

Well here's a first for Saratoga Irish, a two part blog.
Today is my first day back to the salt mines since July 3rd. From what I have heard nothing has changed, hooray. One of the problems of depression is a thing called rumination, the habit of dwelling on negative thoughts, turning them over and over in your mind. Most people ruminate during their lives, especially after an upsetting event, it's perfectly natural. When rumination last for a short while it can help people see what went wrong and how to avoid it in the future. When it last for long hours, say eight hours a day, 40 hours a week, is when you are in trouble. My job has nothing but time to ruminate. We are paired up on a machine and talking to your co worked is frowned upon, strongly. I had a supervisor for a few years that would not put people together that liked each other. Her motto was, less talk, more work. She would have been a perfect character in a Dickens novel. So wish me luck and I will finish this blog after work.

Part Dux

Well it only took me four days to make it back to work, cut me some slack, one was a holiday. Saturday morning I got up and got ready for work. One of the meds the Dr. prescribed is an anti anxiety drug. I took an extra because as the time to leave approached I was getting a bit, I think the medical term is antsy. As I walked across the apartment it started to spin, whoa let me sit down, next thing I knew it was 3:30. So Saturday was shot. No excuses for Sunday, Monday was Columbus Day and well that left today. So I get in the car, put on a special cd I burned for the day and headed to work. So far so good.
I talk to a few people, put up with a few digs and I am ready to sort mail.........but are they ready for me. My boss tells me that the medical unit has not cleared me so off we go to the nurses office. The last clearance was Sept. 13, So, here I am. Wrong. I need updated paperwork. That means I go to the Dr's office tomorrow and if they fax the paperwork I will be cleared in time for Thursday, my day off. So Saturday is what I am shooting for. You have to love the PO, you didn't come in so now you can't come in. Well anyway, here's to Saturday.

The old town looks the same, as I step down from the train,
and there to meet me is my Mama and Papa.
Down the road I look and there runs Mary, hair of gold and lips like cheeries.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
Yes, they'll all come to meet me, arms reaching, smiling sweetly.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.


At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Sean said...

Just got back home from a travel weekend. How did work go??? Good work going back! Also, did I read that correctly on the other post,'re going start an exercise routine? That's's tough to get going but you'll feel much better once you've done something.

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Steve said...

computer to couch and back about 10 reps a day

At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Sean said...

How about a walk to five points and back once a day? Or to the front door of the racino and back? Those would each be about a mile total.

Where is part 2 of this update??

At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really isn't a good idea to take more pills than prescribed! especially if you were planning on driving to work.


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