Saratoga Irish

Monday, March 10, 2008

Ok, so it's been almost a month since I updated, Emmet called me on the carpet in his oh so Irish way, "your blog down/gone?". I have been busy. Yeah I know it's a lousy excuse but it's true. How much time does it take to write this crap, you ask. This may not look like much but ( another but. Did you ever notice the use of the word but is almost always followed by a lame excuse?) with my poor typing skills and having to spell check most of the words and more often the not being distracted by naked photos of women, yeah it takes time to do this. But ( again with the buts, number five in only six sentences, although one sentence was very long and probably should have been two or even three sentences) this is a big week for us, The Albany St. Patrick's Day Parade is Saturday. That makes this like the week before the Super Bowl. Getting everything ready for the Parade is always hectic. Sean and Sara are arriving Friday night. Waiting for Mike's new kilt in the mail. I e-mailed AOH members to see how many marchers we are going to have ( so far it looks like a pretty good turn out expected). With all these preparations why, you ask, am I spending a lot of time doing this today? Monday before Parade Day is media day, and this is my only media outlet. I thought I would get you in the mood with some photos from past parades to see what kind of fun you can expect. Also, I am on a quest and I need your help.

Who is this girl? She stands at the end of the Parade on Pearl Street for the past couple of years. I know it's hard to see her face with me slobbering all over her but she has gorgeous eyes and a great smile. Jet black hair curly hair and stands about 5' 7"

I'm sure she is waiting for someone else but (6) how could any women turn down a sexy man like me in a kilt? ( yeah I know. So you don't have to leave comments, it was a sarcastic question.)

I know she's out there, help me find her.

So if you want to reminisce about our parade activities, just click here.


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