Saratoga Irish

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas wishes

If you are reading this before Christmas we can assume you have finished with all the hustle and bustle and have found a little time for yourself, and me. So here are a couple of Christmas wishes I have. Yes they are too big for Santa and I will need a lot of help from others but I have faith.
First and foremost Peace on Earth. Now this one is tricky, just as President Clinton was able to squirm out of answers, just what do you mean by peace? I know that in our lifetime there will never be complete peace but how about a little. It's time to bring our troops home. We have too many of our young people in harms way fighting a war over what. It's been almost ten years if the people of Afghanistan and Iraq have not been able to set up a government by now, our troops won't make it go any faster. Let's not have our people miss another Christmas with their families. Immigration, I don't want to go into a big long debate on this issue, just a few of my thoughts. After all these are my wishes not yours. We have hundreds of thousands of illegal and undocumented immigrants in this country, why? are the laws too difficult to enter this country legally? They are building walls to keep people out. This is America, we are all born of immigrants, some broke free of chains to live free ( after years of indentured servitude) and some were put into chains to come here. So ether way, our ancestors came from other countries. The words on the Statue of Liberty are, "Give me your tired, your poor,/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" not "No Vacancy". What defines huddled masses more than people willing to stow away in cargo containers or climb fences in the dead of night just to be in America.
My wish is for these things to change, let's show the world once more that we are the greatest country, open our arms and welcome the next group of immigrants.
Family and Friends. George Baily learned it the hard way and we have been able to see this over and over for the last fifty odd years. Remember the words of Clarence, "No man is a failure when he has friends". My wish is that we appreciate our friends and family more. They are the people who will rush to your side in your time of need.
So to all of you out there. I wish you a Merry and joyous Christmas and I hope all of your Christmas wishes come true.


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